Les Halles Provençales

Recette de brochettes de légumes aux épices provençales

Vegetable kebabs with Provençal spices

Organic spiced vegetable skewers for pizzas and barbecues are a delicious alternative to traditional vegetable dishes. By using organic grilling spices, you’ll add an intense, savory flavor to these skewers, creating a vegetarian dish full of character.


Preparation time
10 minutes




Cooking time
10-15 minutes

Ingredients :

-2 zucchinis
-1 red bell pepper
-1 yellow bell pepper
-1 red onion
-200 g button mushrooms
-2 tablespoons olive oil
-2 teaspoons organic grilling spices
-Salt and pepper to taste


To prepare these delicious vegetable skewers with Provençal spices, start by preheating your barbecue over medium heat.

Start by washing the vegetables thoroughly. Next, slice the zucchinis thickly, remove the seeds from the peppers and cut into chunks, and quarter the onion. Leave the mushrooms whole if they are small, otherwise cut them in half.

Once this step is complete, mix olive oil and organic grilling spices in a bowl. Season with salt and pepper to taste.

Thread the vegetables onto skewers, alternating them to create a variety of colors.

Then brush the vegetable skewers with the oil and spice mixture.

Place the skewers on the preheated barbecue. Faites-les cuire pendant environ 10 à 15 minutes, en les retournant régulièrement, jusqu’à ce que les légumes soient tendres et légèrement grillés.

Once the skewers are cooked, remove them from the barbecue and serve hot.

Discover the products in the recipe

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