My account

Keep track of your orders & your loyalty discounts



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What is the Les Halles Provençales loyalty program ?

At Les Halles Provençales, we value your loyalty by rewarding you with discounts! With every order you place, you accumulate points that can be redeemed for discounts. To make the most of these rewards, simply visit the “My loyalty points” section within your Les Halles Provençales account.

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How do I earn points ?

1€ spent (or equivalent in your currency) = 1 point gained

Points are calculated on the price of the products in your order, rounded down to the nearest euro (or equivalent in your currency).

Please note that your points are valid for four months from the date of your order.

You can boost your points balance further by referring a friend, writing a product review, or completing your profile. Head to your “My loyalty points” section to make the most of these benefits.

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How do I spent points ?

You can use your points at any time, on any order, as soon as you have accumulated 1 point. You can apply the discount directly from your basket.

Here are a few examples of the discounts you can enjoy:

24 points = 1€ discount (or equivalent in your currency)

120 points = 5€ discount (or equivalent in your currency)

240 points = 10€ discount (or equivalent in your currency)

Discounts can be combined with any other promotional offers, and there’s no minimum purchase required!